Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hmm, on a day like today, many random thoughts struck.
As a teacher/ tutor, you'll learn a lot. You're not just the one at the giving end. You receive too. In fact, you receive a lot more than you expect. No wonder some teachers can teach for life. Just like what one of my lecturers said, to teach is to learn.

Like how I learnt about the element song from someone while doing my lesson plan. I never knew that such a song exists. Check out the link, it's cool.
I really can't wait to join the teaching force. I know that it's definitely not easy to be a teacher and much harder to be an educator, especially in the first few years. And I think I have a lot to learn. But I think it's really worthwhile seeing for yourself how minds transform.
But before all this, it's back to school first.

Monday, July 28, 2008

I'll try to wake up early every morning, eat regular meals, snack healthily, and get some activities done every day (which is why I think buying a Wii will be good). Ha.
Finally got my tuition stuff, the revision exercises done. I'm still trying hard to think of ways to help them improve; this final stretch is no doubt crucial. They need to work hard and smart. Me too. School's going to start soon. I need to get myself mentally prepared. Have to get back all my books I've lent out and returned the books that I've borrowed. Endless of things to do. Many will be going on exchange; US, UK, Taiwan, China, ... Enjoy you lucky fellows.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Came back from the half-day feedback and sharing session. After hearing the experiences of fellow scholars and awardees and friends, I've come to this conclusion that the girls and teachers at cgs are really a fortunate and priviledged bunch. I feel blessed to have been posted to such a good school, but on the other hand, what scares me is the possiblilty of me having to teach at a normal, mainstream school. I don't think I have been really exposed to a setting where discipline is a big issue, and I don't think I have the ability to discipline them. I think, if I have the opportunity to do relief teaching, I'll try my luck at neighbour schools.
Also, I've also realised that I have been taking most of the technology and resources available to me for granted. I seemed to forget that there are so many other students out there without pcs, not to even mention tablet pcs. It's good to have been posted to a future school, but I need to keep myself grounded and aware of the situation at other mainstream schools as well.
I'm so going to miss the fruit punch from the school canteen.
I'm going to miss waking up real early in the morning, taking the early, cold bus, and walking the stretch of road to go to school. I'm going to miss the past three wks. It have been a nice and good experience, and I'm really blessed to have been posted to one of the future schools in Singapore, to have made great friends, to have been given such warm hospitality by the principal and the teachers and of course, to learn loads of stuff from the school and my CT and the comments that he has given to me. I'm really grateful to everyone who have made us feel welcomed and at home for the past three wks. Thank you so much.
I'm also going to miss the disciplined lifestyle of the past three wks; of having to wake up early, eat regular meals and to do work.
And, oh yes, Wii is so fun.

Friday, July 18, 2008

I kept seeing this girl whom I taught last year in the school that I'm in now and she always says hi to me. Ha. Anyway, I think my mindset about certain things is changing. And I'm think I can say that it is towards a positive one. I hope. I now think that students, at least those in primary and secondary schools, sometimes need to be reprimanded so that they will learn. I used to think that I will only teach the interested, and not bother with those who are not interested (this, I think can be attributed to the lecturers in uni where they don't really bother whether or not anyone is listening). Hmm, isn't that a positive change in mindset?
But then again, I think if I were to come across a class where most students are the uninterested parties, I think no matter how hard I try and reprimand and nag and put away my pride to beg them, they may not listen. I may end up hurting myself. Hmm, so I guess, one have to be realistic and understand that it takes both hands to clap and two to tango. Nevertheless, I determined to teach and try my best to make even the uninterested interested in my lessons. When the mind and attitude is right, everything else tends to fall into place more easily.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

I saw some of the students whom I relief-taught last year at today's Lit Fest and they said hi to me. That made my day. I'm such an easily satisfied person.
I'm caught in a dilemma, what should I do?

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

For the past few mornings, I have been waking up to the doom and gloom of Year 3. Oh my, school is starting real soon. Seriously, sometimes, I think Year 3 is going to be a tough and diffcult year. But I always went to the conclusion that it's just that I left out the friends' aspects of school. Right, friends and family are such important people. They definitely make diffcult times easier and the same people make time flies. Right. But I just can't help feeling depressed about school starting soon. Think friends, family, God.
Attachment's fine. I can't help but wonder whether I'll look back on it with fond memories. I certainly hope so.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Didn't know that shopping with Lydia can be so fun. This girl. She tells you to try everything possible blouse/ skirts/ pants/ dresses/ shirt-dresses... for the reason that it's free. But, hey girl, it was really fun that day and thanks for your company. It's really nice to go out and have fun after so many days of going to school to observe lessons, ccas, projects... am planning to for different people to go out with some other day...
Have been trying to finish some book. But these days, tiredness got the better out of me, and so even speed-reading hadn't helped me progress much into the book. It's back to school tml. I know that I will enjoy it when I get back tml, but I just can't help feeling a little down today. It's psychological I know.