Sunday, May 30, 2004

This term has been...

SAJC...the next phase of my life......

Upon entering college life, I've widen my perspective, network of friends, meet new teachers and people and learnt to adapt to new surroundings more quickly than ever. College life has been so far quite hectic(I presume it will get faster next term and next year). Apart the whole new lecture-tutorial system, we are required to do Project Work (which I must confess is a big headache for me!). In addition, we have to support and cheer SAJC on and we also have a whole series of actitivites lined up for us during the holidays (and they expect us to do well in the common test!) Well, despite all these, I like college life(or should I say, SA life?). Well, being a Saint means that we are supportive of our school in all aspects, be it academically or in sporting events. Just last Wednesday, the whole school went to National Stadium to support our scoccer team in the finals with 5-year champhion, VJC. Even in the jaws of defeat, we were still cheering non-stop. This is what I call good sportsmanship and "Saintship"...Maybe it's because of this that we won VJC in cricket this morning to emerge as the "A division" Champhion...No doubt this year has been a good year for SAJC, I hope that we will continue to strive on and pray that the Lord will be merciful to us. Up and on Saints!