Saturday, January 21, 2006

All I can say about my life right now is that I'm rather satisfied with what I'm doing. The work, though temporary and has got weird working hours, is quite all right. Though there's some 'office politics' and some other stuff among the people, I got along rather well with them. I'm starting to enjoy their company now, and I hope more so in time to come. Today, I did something new. That is, helping them to do the barcoding and pouring the urine samples from the containers into tubes. Something new and it kept us really busy and tired. But, it's better than sitting there doing nothing. I feel bad and I really have to worry constantly about being asked to explain why I didn't look for work. That's me. Oh well. Anyway, this week is the first week that I ever work for full 6 days. I started work on a Wednesday for the first week; then next was a Christmas holiday on a Monday, if I remember; then it was a New Year Day holiday; and next was Hari Raya. So, you see, I've been working for a month. Though I'm happy with my life now, I miss school! Seriously. I miss the people, the friends, the lecturers and the tutors. I miss the lectures, tutorials, breaks, and I miss the mornings when we always sat together at a table in the cafe to do our work and to talk. I miss having to do tutorials and having to read notes. The 2 years spent in college flew by so quickly. Flew; literally. I will cherish all the wonderful and beatiful memories and the friendships forged in those 2 years. I hope you will too. Take care all my friends, and do continue to keep in touch. Thank God for everyone who have come into my life and has helped me in one way or another.

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