Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Is there a limit to a person's capability? I would like to answer to be no. But these days, it seems like my memory and all have reached saturation point. Why? Have the prelims done irreversible damages to my brain? I certainly hope not! What can I possibly do to improve my memory and examination skills and do well for my 'A's? Eat more 'brain' food? Is there any chemicals that can quicken the rate of brain cell division and development? Enough of these impossiblities (at least they are not going come into existent in the next 5 years). Let's get back to earth. A timetable and schedule of what I need to complete would help me get started. Next, it would be short notes, mindmaps and lots of practices. Of course, to do these, I need to be focused and really concentrate. It's not going to be easy. I know this right from the beginning of the year. The journey is never smooth. But I'm really glad for the friends and family members that God has given me, who are so supportive of me. They are my source of motivation, inspiration and comfort. They spur me to work hard without stressing me; they inspire me to become a better friend and to do a whole lot of other things that I never thought I can and they never fail to cheer me up when I down. They have been wonderful. And of course I am confident that all these amazing things that happened to me and those that are going to happen are God's plans for me. I believe in that. For the coming weeks leading to the 'A' level exams, I going to work very much harder. I'm sure that if I do my best, God will do the rest. God is unfailing.

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