Thursday, May 19, 2005

What would you do when someone call you dumb and stupid? Well, I would study real hard to show that person that I'm not what he/she claim that I am. But what would you do when someone call you a smartie and all that? Do you not study and prove that person wrong? Of course not! You obviously have to study even harder to prove that you're not just a smartie; you're a genius. Ha, but seriously, the above two situations did not happen on yours truly; but I guess that the probability of someone being in either one situation must be high. (although not 1). Anyway, I feel that the youngsters nowadays (I admit, me included) often call someone stupid or dumb. But sometimes, it's really unintentional and that it is just our way of communicating. The person called "stupid" may appear all right on the outside but who knows that beneathe that strong, steel-hard cover may exist a fragile and low self-esteem. Now, consider the second case when someone is being labelled as a smartie. This may lead to several outcomes.

  1. The person may become proud and look down upon those who are not as intelligent as he is.
  2. The person may become proud and not study and his grades suffer.
  3. The person may become stress and feel the pressure to stay at the top.
  4. etc...

[Author's note: This list is not exhausive. There are certainly more outcomes and consequences]

This is not written to discourage people from priasing other's good work. But certainly scolding someone stupid is definietly an unplesant thing to do and one should avoid doing that as far as possible. Afterall, at the end of the day, who can really judge the levl of our intelligence?

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