Tuesday, November 23, 2004

1 week had gone by. Believe it or not; I'm actually counting down the days till the end of my attachment. 19 days to go; "Endure", I always tell myself. Don't be mistaken. It's not that I don't enjoy it. Doing experiments, designing them, and proving hypothesis, I enjoy it all. It's just that the long hours tire me out. Other than that, I've no other complaints. I've already learn so much in just one week. It's not just things that are related to the area of scientific research, but it's also things such as working with other people . Enough of these personal thoughts, let's talk about what I did today. Early morning, we drew out the plan for this week. It looks hectic and packed, but the actual fact is that it is actually quite lackadasical. It just require hours and hours of waiting for the process to be done. Thus, we can squeeze in a few others irrevlevant experiments and techniques so that I can learn, and be prepared for the future. Let's gp back to the main aim of this week:" How can one be sure that the expression of NQ01 and HO-1 genes is due to the ARE mechanism?" The answer will be revealed this week, so stay tune. Well, today, I transfered the sy5y cells to 2 6 well plates and leave it in the incubator overnight so that it will be ready for insertion of the plasmids tomorrow morning. After that was reading and more reading. Now, I'm so tired from staring at the books for such a long period of time. Better go to bed now. Sweet dreams, everyone.

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