Sunday, December 31, 2006

Results are out...well, actually, they were out a few days ago... my results are all right... I don't have the habit of publishing my results on blog, so those who want to know can sms me to ask me...anyway, i should really be thankful for the results. I remembered going for dg during the study week...and talking to the grp, evan and evon and being reminded of God's words and promises really calmed me down then. 'Do your best and God will do the rest'; in simple words, you work hard for it, and leave everything else to God. This somehow takes off the burden and stress on you. It may sound simple, but to be truely able to do your best and leave everything to God reqiures tremendous faith in Him. I have to keep reminding myself that He will provide for me in every circumstances. And at the end of the day, you'll find yourself just relying on Him more and more. I realised it in college days, and I starting to feel so more and more. So, I guess, the moral behind this is that God is good and faithful.
2006 is coming to an end. This may well be the last post of the year if I don't post any tommorrow...we'll see. Looking back, this year has been a fruitful year for me in many areas; academic, spiritual and personal growth.
Academically, I did reasonably all right. I mean, given my grades, I can safely enroll for any course in uni, that's what I mean. And in uni, I'm just beginning to learn to be independent and responsible for my own learning. Now, this, I learnt is rather hard and difficult; given that I've been spoon-fed for about 12 years. I miss those days of just opening your mouth (or rather brains) and simply learn what the teachers tell you to learn and study. Those were the days... but yes, life goes, it's more adviceable to be independent in uni...and yes, there's friends around to ask for help... erm, friends.
Spiritually, it's been a big leap for me this year. I joined Campus Crusade and being in a Discipleship Group (DG) really keep me reminded of God's goodness everyday. I am becoming more reliant on His strength day to day. I used to listen to God's words everyday back in secondary and college days during morning devotions and chapel(once a week or two)...but now, there's no morning devotions and so I only have the weekly DG sessions to look forward to. But, in terms of Quiet Time(QT), I think I'm making progress.
Personally, I'm learning to manage time better and to organise my stuff better. With tuitions and studies, I think I have to plan my study time so that I don't compromise my studies and students. That, I'm still learning.
All in all, 2006 has been a fruitful year for me; a year full of learning opportunities and challenges. Hope your 2006 has been wonderful too. Best wishes and have a blessed 2007 ahead.

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