It seems that this never gets done... i'm determined to do a better job today. :)
And also with my life... hence the diary...
This is from the library... see how many books i've borrowed from NLB this holiday...
after some thinking i think i know what i need most to get my life in order... i think i need someone/ something/ some whatever that will guide me, give me instructions to move on... i realised that this was missing for most part of my life ever since uni days... prior to uni, life revolved mainly around school and friends and family... hence instructions about the order of life, schoolwork came from teachers and parents...
but in uni, it's own time own target... profs gave the deadlines and it's up to one how one wants to go about completing the assignment... parents started giving more leeway...
with freedom, came the disorder... i think.
Anyway, I've been enjoying my reads... this book is from the children section... reminds me of the good old days of having to read aloud with my mother beside me...
I was attracted to the cover of the book. Opps, aren't we not supposed to judge a book by its cover?
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