The post- Christmas, pre- New Year period is a joyous though a little too short one. Had been meeting up with friends, praying for stuff and planning for many things. That's why I wish that I had cherished my time. In a few days' time, we'll be saying goodbye to 2007 and hello to 2008. 2007 had been a busy year where I've learnt many things. I foresee that 2008 will be a busy yet exciting year ahead for many of my friends and I will be turning 21. And yes, the headache of thinking of what to get them for birthdays will be back. Oh no.
Speaking of the 21st birthday, we've had celebrated Mins' in advanced a few days back... cos she'll be in Aust on her 21st and we can't possibly fly there though I very much wanted to. And guess what, we baked her a cake... it was fun baking the cake; from checking whether the cake's fully baked, deciding and coming up with a design for the cake, decorating the cake, to seeing the surprised look on her face when she saw the cake and eventually, to eating the cake that we had baked. And the conclusion that I came to was- there's actually no need to plan and come up with a design... cos, in the end, chances are that the design that one has drawn on paper will be different from the end product. Talking is easier that doing.
We used this to ensure that the cake will be edible...

The process...
Checking whether the cake's ready... apparently not...
We used Marzipan to decorate the cake... this has got a strong almond flavour...
"Kneading' the Marzipan...
The Marzipan comes only in one colour... and we have to dye it brown ourselves...
Trying to make a circular base to cover the top...Trying to cover the sides with Marzipan... you can roughly guess by now that the cake's going to be covered with Maripzan...
The end product... Not too bad huh!?
Let's take a closer look at the sides... Not too bad for a non-professional baker right...
Fancy a cake for birthday present anyone?! Ha...
That day was good bonding session. We hadn't been talking and spending time like that for a long time. And I'm glad for their friendship. It's really nice to spend time with the friends whom you've grown up and mature with. Really look forward to the next time when we'll meet again.
And just the other day, as I was packing my room, I came across many things that brought back many fond memories...
I used to buy stuff like these... so cute right? So cute that I can't bear to use them... but not anymore...
Proyo II used to be a must have toy... my brothers and I each have one... mine's purple and I think my brothers' orange in colour... and oh, the Mathematical instrument set and OP wallet... there's supposed to be another Billabong wallet... can you see it?! Childhood and teenage fun!And my some of my projects... there's Geography, CME, Science and Bio... and of course there's more... haha... I still keep them...
And I also have lots of notes and guidebooks... I didn't know I had have so many guidebooks... especially for 'A' Levels Physics... Physics' my worst subject... I guessed I buy guidebooks and TYS to help ease my insecurity for the subject and of course to study! Those were the days...
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