Monday, June 30, 2008
Attachment will commence tomorrow. I don't know what to expect. I mean I don't want to get my expections too high in case I get disappointed. Perhaps the best thing to do is to go there with an open mind. Do pray for me.
the number three
1. In primary school compositions, we were told to write 3 paragraphs; intro, body and conclusion.
2. In secondary school, an English teacher taught me that 3 is a good number to remember. Like when you need to include examples, 3 examples will be nice.
For instance, my hobbies include reading, eating and sleeping.
3. In our DIY photo-taking, usually 3 people can be included/ captured in the photo (assuming normal length of the arm).
4. Most of my friends come from a family of 3 children. Maybe it's because we come from the era of the 'Have 3 or more children if you can afford it' policy. See 3?!
5. If memory serves me well, a band/ choir will be expected to perform 3 songs in the SYF judging.
6. I have always taught that 3 mins is just a nice period of time to grant students for a break to the toilet.
Maybe the number three has kind of resonates subconciously in our minds.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Visited the many places where I used to come with my family years ago.
This ship thing is still there. I have a vivid memory of that cos of Titantic

Hadn't know about the pond of turtles there though.

Then there is the much-talk-about The Jewel Box.

What's these Lego bricks doing here?

Cable Car made of Lego! For display only.

Cable Car Centre at Mt. Faber.

Though I live relatively near to Mt Faber, I hadn't visited the place for many years.
Though we hadn't planned any activities for the day, I really had fun; simply chatting and crapping away.

I like the idea of spending a day like this; not having to worry about how time should be used to study and ... Wonder when will I have such a relaxing day again.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
The view of Habourfront Towers

Jewel Box at Mt. Faber

The Henderson Waves

Obviously, there are lots of trees along the way. Saw lots of trees that I had learnt in the ss module; simpoh air, adinandra just to name a few.
Can you spot the squirrel?

Next stop: Alex Arch

Didn't manage to capture the complexity of the trail

This is the arch that I always see at the bus-stop where I take bus to school. It looks different from the bus-stop.

We discovered some places too. HortPark is one of them. It's suppose to be a gardening hub...
but i thought that the place has a resort and relaxing feel to it.
HortPark- the gardening hub

Then came Kent Ridge Park. By then we were too tired to take anymore pictures. Plus it rained. Then it was lunch at IMM. We talked and chatted and I guess I felt accomplished. Afterall, we have decided on the presents and stuff that we need to get for someone. Well, I kind of looking forward to the picnic@Mt Faber on Monday... it'll be another day of fun! I hope.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

This pic is a personal fav of mine...

We'll be going to Mount Faber next week cos we need to exercise and save money. You don't have to pay to sit and Mount Faber and what's more, you'll get to sweat and exercise!
Monday, June 02, 2008
Results was released a few days ago. I did alright i guess. Praise God for it. I used to have the urge to study harder the next semester, but this urge hasn't come yet. Maybe it wouldn't come. I guess it's probably because I'm tired. Not tired of studying per se but exhausted by the competition and having to compete with the others (due to the nature of the bell curve used in grading). I never like such competition; you know, i resented those times way back in my primary school days when my mum and those aunties will ask for your marks and comment on it and compare you with the rest of the cousins and your friends. And obviously it doesn't really help when you have smarter cousins and friends as in my case. I felt like I had o value in me and i will resent words and advice given to me by certain people.
I really think that this had affected my life; it's like a scar, the pain will fade, but the mark will always remain. It caused me not to dare to look back my primary school days.
Therefore, I always make it a point to remind myself that I will not cause such pain to my children (if i have any in the future).
I'm sure that there were times whereby you ask your friends how much they score for their papers and you'll feel secretly happy when you do better. But as I move up in my academic journey, I realise that this tires me out. I realise that what's more important is to improve and do better the next time round. Compete and challenge with yourself. Perhaps this is a more sustainable way to go for myself.
Looking back at the past few semesters, I think I've learnt a lot about letting go and letting God take charge. Not that I don't study and expect a miracle to happen, but that I study, do my best and leave everything else to God. I have to attribute this to my many bros and sis-in Christ and for their encouragements, prayers and love.
June will be the month of rest for me. But I'll continue to pray for those on missions. Come July, I'll be on attachment. And I don't want to know what's in store for August; at least not now.