We often heard about idol or other reality tv contestants that they try not to go online to look at the remarks (esp those bad, demoralising ones) made about them. And I used to laugh that away. Now, I know why they don't do so. I came across students' blogs that comment about my science lessons, saying that they were boring and dry and...
Here it goes:
1. " Science test after that. Oh my tiann, section B was blank (:... anyway, everyone's head down after 5 mins..."
2. "Science after that, oh my gawd!We had our science test & guess what?I didn't even know how to do the whole paper,so i ended up guessing the MCQ answers & when it comes to the open ended questions, i left it totally blank.I slept throughout pratically the whole test".
3. "Science test ytd, n im soo gona 'pass with flyin colours'. I answered like only 3 qns for the whole of Section B and left the last pg blank (: And those 3 qns which i answered are juz random, i wrote like whateva i cn think of..."
It did affect me. I way very much affected.
But, for very one negative comment, I chanced upon more comments that made me happy, though that does not mean that I was able to teach very well.
Some comments from students' blog.
1. "haiya.anyways,after that miss goh BL came.HAHAHA.started on science again.this time is for gen and maya cos they werent there on thursday as they went for oral com.it was damn hilarious la,cant stop laughing.hahaha.i want miss goh to teach us everyday(: not only we get to laugh,can learn also la..so two in one(: HAHAHA.okay."
2. "Science- Last lesson with Ms Goh, she's nice (:"
3. "Science was fine." (to me, this is good enough)
4. "yeah got to go ,study science!i dont want to fail again):"
5. "After school, went to have tuition with Ms Goh.Vivien came along, & she pretended to become a MM student.But Ms Goh is smart, she knew that Vivien is from 1B, hahah!The tuition was fun! At least i got to understand a little about compound, mixtures & elements:D".
6. "todae went school as usual lesson lessson .after school went 4 extra science lesson in the libray(i guai )haha went with annie ,ethel and viven this science lesson i enjoy it very much cause goh was funny ,tomorrow it her last dae so sad luh! all the best to her i mean it ohkaye..."
7. "exams are so coming. and im still kinda confused about the chemical reaction chapter. THE WORST THING IS ... MISS GOH IS NOT TEACHING US ANYMORE! IM ALREADY MISSING HER! :'( i hope she'll visit soon. :) she's so nice! :) and her teaching is good lah."
I know who wrote them. I've marked the papers, it took me great courage. Anyway, I wish them all the best too, though some of the classes weren't the easiest classes to teach, but nevertheless, I believe that they are all good girls at heart.