Thursday, March 16, 2006

Polkadot for life!
Saw that? Missing the days back there.
Work is getting busier and more monotonous. Sometimes, I really feel like quitting. But I don't like being a quitter. I need time to reflect about my life. I realised that I haven't actually done a lot apart from studying all these years. I'm also not a very independent girl (according to my parents), though I would like to think otherwise. Which is probably the reason why my parents don't really want to to go overseas to study. But I do know something about housework; I can sweep, mop. Cooking? I guess I can. I never cook a meal for my family but I can cook for myself. Laundry? Just simply leave it to the laundry shops. See, I can settle all these myself, but according to my parents, they claimed that I can't take care of myself. They said that I'll miss home and will have no one to turn to when I need help. They said I may not adjust a life overseas. But who knows when I don't give it a try. Anyway, I guess I'm most likely studying here in Singapore. Firstly, I don't want to go through all the admission procedures again. Secondly, I don't want to upset my parents. And perhaps, deep down inside me, I don't really want to go overseas to study at all. But given a chance, I would. I guess, I really need time to think about my future. Moulding in the process. Am nothing without God.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Just the other day, I was reading my dairy entries for the past year, and suddenly found myself looking back at those memories fondly. I am glad that I can be able to do so. I found myself being grateful for many things. I think I have enjoyed my past 2 years in SA and will have to move on with life. Of course, my friends will move on with me. I think I have to thank many people who have had made life in college as beautiful as it was. Firstly, my OG and OGL. They were the first group of people I had met in school. Newly found friends came from there first. Next, my civics groups; both the first 3 months and after. I love talking, studying with these people. Of course, not forgetting my tutors and lecturers and everyone else who have been a part of my 2 years in college. And oh! There's another special group of people whom used to sit with me at a table in the cafe almost every morning, where we would discuss abt school and school work. You all know who you are. And I really miss those mornings.
Thinking back, I feel a little nosgtalgic. Just a little.
Enough. I have to move on.
I'm starting to like work. I like the interactions with the people there. They're nice, friendly people. But I think there's going to be a big project soon. I don't know how soon, and I don't know whether I'll still be there. Part of me wants to stay; but the other wants to leave. Anyway, I'm off work today and tommorrow. I'll be going out with mum, and I will make use of the time to think about the courses I want to apply for in university.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.

Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.
Every moment, thank God.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Results was out yesterday. Though I stepped into the college with a rather heavy heart, I was glad that I did not walked out there like that. I think I have to thank a lot of poeple for this. I did well, I guess. [To whoever who wants to know my results, kindly msg me.] I'm truly grateful for the results. Grateful to my tutors, my friends, my family and of course, God. Really, nothing can taste sweeter than this; tasting the very fruits of our hard labour. It's sweet, I can tell you. Thanks to everyone for making this possible. Thank you for letting me taste this sweetness of life, for which I'm sure the taste will still linger for the rest of my life. For those who are not satisfied with their results, do not be disappointed. God did not fail you. He has a plan for you. Continue to place your trust in Him. He is forever faithful. Am nothing without Him. To God be the glory.